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Think of INO TV as like NetFlix for traders.

Netflix as you probably know delivers movies to people via mail. You watch the movie and then return the movie back to Netflix and they send the next one on your list.

Well that is what INO TV started out as, they were doing the same thing but with a list of over 500 trading DVD's and they were sending them WORLDWIDE.

In the last year or so INO TV decided to changes things a bit. Instead of offering 2 dvd's at a time to clients they decide to bring ALL the videos online. So instead of waiting days to receive your dvd's you now can have access to ALL the videos any time you want all via their online site.

This was a big change and a welcome one. You do have to have fast internet access. IE cable, wifi, DSL, etc. Dial up access won't cut it as you won't be able to view the videos without waiting for load times etc.

If you do have fast internet though everything streams nicely so their aren't interruptions. You can also expand your view of the video to the FULL SCREEN. So you can watch the video in full screen and don't have to squint to watch which is great.

Once you have access to INO TV you can view the videos 24/7 and as many times as you want.

The videos are basically recorded seminars from top traders. You know those seminars that cost hundreds or thousands of dollars they tape those you know. Well, instead of paying all that money and sitting in a hotel ballroom you can sit at your home with a cold/hot beverage, notepad and rewind, fast forward, pause at anytime so you NEVER miss anything you want to hear.

INO TV has over 500 videos to choose from. You could watch as many videos a day that you want. But it would take a year of watching 2 videos per trading day and you still wouldn't be through all the videos INO TV offers.

INO TV breaks things down nicely as well so you can find the topics you are searching for. They have 11 "channels."

Beginners, Charts & Analysis, Currency Trading, Day Trading, Futures, Money Management, Options, Psychology, Spreads, Stocks, Trading Systems.

INO TV also lets you search for experts. These are seminars done by over 100 TOP traders.
Traders like...Larry Williams, Russell Sands, John Murphy, John Bollinger, Linda Raschke, Jack Schwager that is just to name a few of the 100+ top traders.

INO TV is $99.95 a year or $49.95 per quarter. They do NOT offer a money back refund on this product due to the fact you have access to everything from day one I guess. So that is one drawback. But even if 1 video helps you make money its worth the $100 bucks.

I would recommend INO TV to those traders who are looking to continue learn to be better traders.

Steve Hoven is a trader. You can check out INO TV and get 4 FREE videos at http://www.Videos4Traders.com OR if you are ready to buy INO TV Check out http://www.TopTraders.TV for all the details.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steven_Hoven

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