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By:Jerry Tarrer

In the world of spy equipment, bigger is definitely not better. Bigger is more obtrusive, more noticeable, and more out of date. Cameras and cell phones keep getting tinier; no one carries cd players around with them anymore. It’s all about the iPod and most recently, the iPod nano.

This cultural trend is certainly maintained in the world of surveillance technology. In fact, the world of surveillance technology may very well be the place that started the trend of tiny, sleek, and sexy.

Hidden cameras have to be small otherwise they wouldn’t be so easily hidden. They now manufacture security cameras no bigger than a thumbnail, which can fit into any crack or crevice you can find. But what about the other personal equipment you need to monitor your home or office?

The world’s smallest Digital Video Recorder (DVR) weighs in at less than one pound and can fit easily into a fanny pack. It’s no longer than five inches and no taller than four inches. Despite its absurdly small size, the world’s smallest DVR can record up to forty hours of video and 910 hours of audio.

The world’s smallest Digital Video Recorder is designed to fit unnoticeably onto your person. It is perfect for covert situations. If you wish to observe someone on the move or outside your home, then the smaller the DVR you can find, the better.

In this case, the world’s smallest DVR has everything you could hope to hit upon. It’s got a small viewing screen that allows you to review and store the footage you have. It’s also capable of transferring the information into a computer or displaying it on a television.

This model is pricier than the others, but it’s a specific design for specific purposes. If you’re in need of a small, unobtrusive Digital Video Recorder, then the smallest one you can get your hands on is the best option for you.

Buying something this high tech can seem a little daunting. You’re just in need of some answers. You want a hidden camera that can get you the answers you want. Like, where has your spouse been going so late at night? Or, what happens around the office when your employees think you’re away?

These kinds of worries are natural and important. The only way to observe people’s behavior when you aren’t around is to rely on a little camera with a recorder to do the work for you.

Security cameras have become much more common than they used to be. It’s hard to go anywhere without being filmed. If you walk into a convenience store, you’ll immediately see their security camera hanging from the ceiling. If you use the drive thru at your bank, your car tags and your face are almost certainly being taken down by a hidden camera.

It’s the new wave of security that all businesses, big and small, want to have. It follows that individual people should want the protection also, in their homes and personal lives.

With the world’s smallest DVR, the possibilities are almost endless. You could find the answer to so many burning questions and put your own mind to rest. It’s great because while you’re finding out the truth about the people around you, no one will know the difference.

The world’s smallest DVR is so small, you will be the only one aware of what’s going on. It’s your right to be safe and secure in everything you do. Interacting with strangers is a risk that doesn’t have to affect you or your business. You can privately determine the true character of people by relying on the world’s smallest DVR.



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