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Author: Mindstien

Do you format your computer on regular basis because of virus infection? Do you think your computer is working much slower than before? You may want to format it, reinstall the OS and all the application you use. It will generally take many hours of your precious time. If you don't have enough time to reformat your PC then this article is for you.

This article will solve your problem. It will help you to format your PC and restore it back to the fresh installation state with all the applications you need. Yes, it is possible to restore back your PC to fresh state in less than 5 minutes. Follow the below guidelines.

My Golden Rule: "Use your computer's C drive as system drive only. Use it only to install OS and Applications. Do not store your data on this drive including 'My documents' and 'Desktop'. So, at any time if you want to format it, you do not need to worry about loss of data".

Format C drive and install operating system to it with boot able disk of operating system. Install all your drivers. Install and update good anti-virus software of your choice. Do not access any other drive until you install and update your anti-virus software, if your system is previously affected by viruses. Now install all application that you use frequently and configure them as you normally do. Now configure operating system for better security and better performance, do necessary changes that you want to do and restart your system once.

Make image of your system drive using boot able drive image copier tools like Norton ghost. Keep this image file in other than C drive. You are done. At any time you can restore back this system drive image file with the same tool, and make your PC behave like fresh as before in just few minutes.

Visit http://www.basicknowledge.co.in for more basic knowledge on computers and your online security.

About the Author
Chirag Gadara is a E.C. Engineer. He has been working in Internet & Computer technology field since 2006. Having wide experience on Website Optimization, SEO, Web development, PC Maintenance, He is here to share his experience with us and to help beginners to get start in all these fields.

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