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By: Supreet

Although television commercials make you want to believe that there is no solution to improving your cellular reception unless by switching providers, there are other ways. There are a number of different manufacturers of devices that can actually pick up your local signal, however weak, and rebroadcast it within your home, workplace, hotel room, etc.
What You Need to Know First

Before you go out and drop a couple hundred bucks on a cell phone booster, make sure you know what you need. There are different cell boosters and Cellular Amplifier is one of them. These amplifiers are made of according to the size of the area you want to improve cell signals in. There are also different types that are portable for a car or boat and some that are stationary. And finally, what frequency band does your cell provider transmit on?
Cellular Amplifier vs. PCS Frequency Bands
Knowing what frequency band your provider transmits on is probably the most important thing to know first. There are several providers like AT&T, Verizon, and Alltel that transmit on the Cellular band, or 800 MHz and then there are providers like Sprint (but not Nextel), T-Mobile, Metro PCS, Cricket, and Suncom that transmit on the 1900 MHz band.
You can either get a Cellular Amplifier booster kit especially if you are getting this for a public place, or ask your provider which band they transmit on if you're not sure. There is a third band called iDen which Nextel and other walkie-talkie type phones use as well.
Suggested Brands
There are essentially two brands of cellular amplifier phone boosters that I'd recommend. If you want to improve cellular signal reception in a small area, like your house or a personal area in an office, I would suggest using a Boost router. If you're looking for a more serious commercial-grade solution, I would take a look at Wilson kits, which are bit of a higher cost point, but necessary for large areas with high volumes of calls.
These amplifier boosters are typically not quite as effective. Outdoor Cellular Amplifier, which don't inevitably have to be mounted outdoors but it comes in different sizes and shapes, including the Yagi style and Pole style. Indoor amplifier antennas are often in the form of panel antennas for commercial-grade booster kits.
A Cellular Amplifier booster that is completely wireless means there is no direct line-in to your phone to talk will you have three main components: an "outdoor antenna" that picks up existing signals, an amplifier to boost the weak existing signal, and an "indoor antenna" to communicate with your phone. Some of these components are often built-in to all-in-one kits, making antennas hidden.

Through Wilson Amplifier store you will get every kind of amplifier kit components under one roof, like you need not to go anywhere in search of these amplifier components. You will get everything from a cell phone to cellular amplifier. These kits are quite effective and useful for everyday life. So don"��t get late go today itself and buy a cellular amplifier kit for yourself.

Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com
About the Author:
Cellular Amplifier
The author is an executive with Wensil I Technologies

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  1. 4 ความคิดเห็น: Responses to “ Through Cellular Amplifier Week Signals Can Be Fixed ”

  2. By Rohitw9 on September 5, 2009 at 2:10 PM

    It is true that the there are different cell boosters and Cellular Amplifier is one of them. These amplifiers are made of according to the size of the area you want to improve cell signals in, So that it is very nice post and written by the author in very efficient way.well you can try out http://www.wilsonamplifierstore.com/

  3. By Anonymous on September 17, 2009 at 12:34 PM

    Cellular amplifier is made to improve cell signals in low signal areas.but what is think is that these are not so much prevelent in the asian countries yet...,well you can try out http://www.wilsonamplifierstore.com/

  4. By Anonymous on September 18, 2009 at 7:41 PM

    wow..the new invention...i was thinking that the problem regarding week signals can never be rectify but with cellular amplifier this can be amplify...isn't it grt...

  5. By Anonymous on October 14, 2009 at 7:56 PM

    Cellular Amplifier Repeaters technology has an advantage that it reduces the radio frequency energy in the locality of our head.