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By: Daniel Millions

Many people enjoy personalized objects and gifts including photo watches. Photo watches are considered novelty watches that are suitable for different occasions. Photo watches can be personalized with personal photos that are displayed on the watch face. Although the photo watch is considered novelty, it can be manufactured using fine materials and accurate watch movements.

Generally, the best photos for a photo watch are close ups of the subject. A close up photo should be used because the space on the watch face is small. If a person or pet's picture is to be used, a photo which shows only the face and uppermost shoulders would be an appropriate choice. If a person's face is small in the photo and the photo has to be enlarged to fit the watch face better, the picture may lose details or become blurry.

The appearance of the photo should have enough contrast so that any facial or other small features are not lost in the rest of the photo. When the photo is placed on the watch face, the hands and face numbers are placed over the picture. The placement of the hands and numbers should be considered so that a photo's best features are not lost beneath these watch features. Up to two faces are best on a watch face photo since too many photos may not be recognizable after the hands and face numbers are placed on the watch face.

People will find that many photos are suitable for placement on a watch face. It can be hard to pick a favorite photo in some cases. Favorite subjects include family members, pets, special places, objects and people. Parents can buy a picture watch for their children, parents, friends or each other to commemorate a special relationship.

Pet owners, children included, will enjoy wearing a watch with their favorite pet's face on it. Instead of a photo, the customizable picture watches can be made with a company logo on the watch face. This enables a company to give gifts that are branded with their logo. The photo or picture watch is versatile when it comes to adding a favorite picture or business logo.

There are many photo watches available that can suit any style or color desired. It is possible to find a quality photo watch to suit different budgets. Photo watches are created with different styles such as formal, casual, sporty and teen. Photo watches are available for men, women and children. Photo watches may be created with a metal or plastic casing and the ability to use different materials in their construction adds to their range in prices.

Photo watches make a great surprise gift for someone else or a buyer can buy the photo watch as a special keepsake gift for him or herself. The photo watch can make a touching gift for the recipient when the personal photo on the watch face is chosen for its meaning to the wearer. Photo watches have many fans because of their versatility as a jewelry item.

About the Author
At BestSwiss you will find high quality Replica Watches including but not limited to Replica Rolex's.

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