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By Mark Parson

UPS technology varies within manufacturer product ranges and much has been documented on the right UPS type to use and in particular On Line vs. Line Interactive technology. The key issue is much of this research is compiled by manufactures working on controlled laboratory conditions, which far exceed those of real world deployments.

The value of On Line UPS technology to provide protection is well documented and well founded and is not generally known that improvements have been made in On Line UPS design. GE has recently released in Australia its new VH UPS which is the first UPS in its (700va to 3kVA) class to have a true static bypass. This feature allows continuous power to be supplied to load equipment in the event of UPS failure an essential element of critical technology design.

By using N+1 and parallel solution design with surge protection and by pass features continuous quality power can be delivered 24 / 7. There is no doubt that service delivery is a key requirement for government and corporate agencies and the highest possible levels of availability are required. On Line double conversion offers the best levels of protection and availability and based on comparisons against other UPS technology it has a number of key advantages including protection against brown out or common utility power sags.

There are some companies that supply total design, install and long term service agreements tailored to meet client requirements and cost effective pre packaged commissioning and service options flexible with best levels of support.

InfraWorks Australia is a leading supplier of UPS power for critical technology nationwide. This experience and extensive knowledge ensures Infraworks clients are supplied with world leading technology support engineered to meet individual engineered to meet modern business requirements.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mark_Parson

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