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by Michael Podlesny

According to the TiVo website, TiVo, pronounced TEE-VO, automatically finds and digitally records all of your favorite shows, every time they`re on. It will record every episode of your favorite series, until you tell it to stop.

It truly is an amazing product given all of the things it can do (I'll get to that in a minute). This is no longer your father's VCR type of recording. The clock does not blink 12:00 forever, and you are not puzzled as to how to set it. TiVo is straightforward and easy to use.

A pretty fascinating feature is the guesswork that TiVo takes out of recording your favorite shows. Let's say you have it set up to record Survivor which is a one hour show. However the season finale is on, which runs about 3 hours, there is nothing to reset, TiVo will automatically record the entire length of the show. Since TiVo requires no tapes, dvds, or timers, all of the guesswork is taken out of it. Oh yeah, you can set TiVo up so it doesn't record repeats!

Another great feature of TiVo is it comes with a search engine. You can do a search on director, tv series, favorite movies and more. Got a favorite actor or director? A TiVo search (called a WishList Search) records every movie, biography or interview with your film favorites, like Stephen Spielberg or Julia Roberts, Marilyn Monroe or Alfred Hitchcock.

TiVo is even sport enough to automatically record your favorite team`s games! Or every NASCAR race. TiVo can give you a taste of cooking shows... or will bend over backwards to find shows about Yoga.

Need to take your tv shows or movies on the road? Not to worry, TiVo has easy-to-use to go features that let you transfer shows to your laptop or portable device, and easily burn them to DVD.

If you find yourself not in front of your TV yet you need to record a show, again, nothing to worry about. You can schedule your TiVo from the Internet.

And of course there is no need to worry if your two favorite shows come on at the same time...TiVo (with the proper receiver) can record both shows simultaneously!

This is all great, but how much does this cost? You will two things in order to use TiVo. You need a TiVo receiver box and they start at $99 for a basic version and climb upwards to nearly $799. Once you own the receiver then you subscribe to a TiVo package. They usually start at around $9 per month.

TiVo is a TV watchers dream, as it allows you to never miss a show or movie. Depending on how much you want to spend, your TiVo experience can range from great to unbelievable.

About the Author
Mike Podlesny is a freelance writer for Indocquent.com. Indocquent.com is an online resource that allows businesses and individuals to promote their products and services in 20,000 cities in over 200 countries around the world.

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