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Niall Roche

Inkjet refills. What was once a messy, dangerous process has become safer and cleaner. No longer do you need to wade elbow-deep in ink through the process of topping up your empty inkjet cartridges. Not at all. Today the process of refilling your own empty inkjet cartridges is far more straighforward. And not nearly as messy.

As with most things the earliest versions of the inkjet refill kit were not perfect. They leaked, the ink was of poor quality and the instructions provided were usually substandard if you were lucky and non-existent if you weren't.

How things have changed. Ink jet refills have moved from the back pages of computer magazines to our malls and high street stores. What was once a back street business reserved for the geeks of the world has moved into the mainstream and is now socially acceptable and being franchised by new companies every single day.

Improvements in the refilling technology of both home and industrial units combined with drastic improvements in ink quality and the much lower cost of inkjet refills has led to a mini-boom in the cheap inkjet cartridge market.

The most forward-thinking of these refill companies have even started to graduate the difficulty of the ink jet refill kits you can buy. Many stores, both on and offline, are now stocking Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced inkjet refill kits. These are specially designed to exactly match the skill level of the user.

Competition in the inkjet refill market is fierce. Companies are pulling out evert stop to grab their share of what is an extremely profitable market. This competition is great news for the consumer with free shipping and excellent customer service now becoming the norm as opposed to the exception.

Ink jet refills are here to stay. The company names and brands might change but ideas and creativity won't. Why not start saving on your printer costs today?

If you're looking for discount ink jet printer refills or other ink jet printer cartridges then visit Inkjetables dot com for all your inkjet needs.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Niall_Roche

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