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by: Zachary Black

Here are simple steps to using your iPod as a hard drive on your computer. So now you can actually use your iPod as a portable hard drive AND an mp3 player.

How to use iPod as hard drive Step 1
Connect your iPod to your computer. If iTunes doesn't open on it's own, open it also.

How to use iPod as hard drive Step 2
Click on your iPod logo in iTunes and go to the Summary tab.

How to use iPod as hard drive Step 3
Check the checkbox that says either "Enable disk use" or "Manually manage songs and playlists". The latter will just disable iTunes' automatic iPod songs/playlists updating. If you want iTunes to update your iPod anywas, but you just want to use the iPod for storage, I recommend you use "Enable disk use".

Note if you have an iPod shuffle, you will have to use the slider to determine the amount of space dedicated to data and the amount of space dedicated to your media files.

How to use iPod as hard drive Step 4
You iPod will appear as an extra drive. When you use it, just use it as any other drive.


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