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by: Robert Barnard

Ah, you think, as you take a look at your year’s old collection of VHS tapes - all the enjoyable hours you spent watching each movie and deciding if it should be added to your home theatre selection. What a great collection of movies. But wait - technology has not only crept up on you, it’s left you in the dust. DVD’s are the gadget of the moment - they’re faster, cleaner, have better sound quality and way better picture quality. Oh, no, you think - you’ll have to convert all those old VHS tapes to DVD if you want to “keep up with the Jones.” But which DVD recorder should you choose? Which will give you the most features for the lowest price?

A DVD recorder is different from a DVD player - as the name would indicate, a DVD player does just that - it will play movies for you as long as there is battery life left or electricity to power the unit in your home. A DVD recorder, on the other hand, allows you to copy DVD’s from the original media to a recordable DVD that you can then add to your collection of movies - replacing all those VHS tapes that are collecting dust. DVD recorders also can record directly from your TV to a DVD.

A big consideration is whether or not to buy a DVD recorder with a hard drive - no, I’m not trying to confuse you with computer jargon - it’s not like you’re buying a laptop. The reasons you might want a model with a hard drive are twofold - you have more editing options, plus you can choose whether or not to archive a recording to disc. Another feature that’s included with a hard drive is that you can pause what you’re recording as it’s being recorded and not lose any of the show since that is how the unit is made.

For a good, basic DVD recorder, take a look at the RCA DRC8060N - it comes in at just over $200, but for a relatively inexpensive machine it offers a few pleasant surprises, such as an HDMI port that allows you to connect with an HD-TV, plus in-front inputs for camcorder use. While it doesn’t offer a VCR or a hard drive, the picture and sound quality are comparable to more expensive models.

If you’re looking for a machine that has it all, you may want to consider the Panasonic DMR-EH75V - which will set you back about $375 - $400 or so. Even though it’s pricier than some other models, it offers a DVD player/recorder, an integrated VCR and an 80 GB hard drive that allows you to pre-program your recordings even when you’re not there. This model has excellent picture quality, and it records particularly well in LP mode, meaning you can get more programs on a single disc. It also offers an HDMI output jack so you can connect to an HD-TV, as well as an SD card slot if you want to display digital photos.

Samsung offers a model DVD-VR335 that runs about $280, placing it mid-range among other models. It also features an HDMI upconverting DVD recorder, with an integrated VCR, composite video jacks in and out and Dolby digital capability. It can record on most DVD media, as well as playing DVD and CD media and MP3 audio.

What’s the advantage to having an integrated VCR as part of your DVD recorder? Most people use this feature to convert all those old VHS tapes to DVD format - updating and cleaning up their movie or television show collections. End result - the vast majority of consumers who have this feature end up using the DVD recorder the same way they used their old VCR’s - taping or copying everything from their favorite TV shows to movies from their collection.

About the Author:

Robert Barnard is the Co-Founder & CTO of http://MX123.com. He’s been involved with computers since the early 80’s. He holds / has held many international industry certifications in the computer industry from CompTIA A+ to Microsoft Certified Professional & Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer.

Article Source: www.iSnare.com

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