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By: Ted Baker

When you are installing a program, it may cause a conflict with one program to another, and the windows will fails to boot. There are ways of correcting booting up or not booting up. Get an emergency boot disk or create one from another computer running Windows 98 or Me

Place floopy disk in the drive or some computer have access to bois and select boot priority in A drive. Start Computer without CDROM support and press Enter. Follow A prompt type dir c: and press enter.

A good hard drive indicates when the files and programs are present. Start restoring the system Registry to repair Windows, configuration system and autoexec. bat files, to where the PC may boot up.

Type System C to restore files or another way to restore master boot record, is to type in “fdisk mbr” and press Enter. To check for occurring errors, type “Scandisk C:” If procedures fail, try repeating again.

To create a Windows XP Bootable Floopy is to place a formatted blank diskette in A drive, then open Window Explorer to the C, select Tool, folder options, to show hidden files and press Tab to view.

For rechecking disk “Hide Protected Operating System files and folders”, look in option dialog box. Use disk if Windows XP would not boot, but basically, files on the hard drive will continue to boot up.

If the PC would not Boot Pass Windows and Window Millennium then press and hold CTRL key until start up option appear, then release it. Select Safe Mode and press Enter. You are now in Windows limited version. If you know the cause, delete that program.

Then select start and type "scanregw /fix" press enter, to restore your registry which replaces your current registry with an earlier copy that was the backed up.

To start the PC repair to your Windows 98 Registry, hold down the CTRL key and select "Command Prompt only". Then type "scanreg /fix" and press Enter and "scanreg/restore" to restore a previously saved copy of the Registry.

Press F8 after rebooting the PC and if the Windows should freeze while booting up, then select "Last Known Good Configuration". After rebooting make allowance for the computer to boot the last backed up files. Choose "Safe Mode" to remove files you know that may cause the operating system to hang up.

If your operating system fails or become unstable, go through the article a few times to see if you miss anything, then try again or try looking for other related article. If there are alterations, be certain to back up your registry before making changes and know how to restore.

You can improve your computers load up time and overall system speed with registry repair software. It can help prevent your computer from running into errors and causing your slow load times. Find out how to clean your registry today.

Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com

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