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From Mary Landesman,

The Bottom Line

Chances are, there are dozens of security vulnerabilities waiting to be exploited on your system. And while it's easy enough to set automatic updates for Windows, it's not so easy keeping other software up-to-date. Secunia Software Inspector truly takes the pain out of patching, providing a one stop shop to quickly check for - and patch - vulnerable software. From Apple to Sun and nearly everything in between, Secunia Software Inspector detects, reports, advises, and instructs you every step of the way.
  • Scans for wide range of software vulnerabilities
  • Provides step-by-step instructions for applying patches
  • Intuitive interface is easy to use
  • Links to detailed information for research
  • Simplifies the patching process
  • None


  • Provides version numbers of detected software and the version number needed, if applicable.
  • Step-by-step instructions and links make getting patched a nearly pain-free process
  • Easy, fast, intuitive to use, and free.

Guide Review - Secunia Software Inspector

In a perfect world, we would never have to patch our systems. But it's not a perfect world, and security vulnerabilities affect a wide range of products. Though Microsoft products are easy enough to update thanks to the Microsoft update site, patching other installed products isn't always simple. Secunia Software Inspector takes the pain out of patching. Even the most novice user should be able to use this scanner effectively to keep all their software securely patched.

Just click Start, let the scan run, and within moments Secunia Software Inspector provides a complete report of all that's wrong - or even right - with your system. A green checkmark beside a product name means that product is up-to-date. A red X means the product needs updating. And Secunia makes it doubly easy to update - providing links to the updates, step-by-step instructions, and details about the vulnerability.

Secunia Software Inspector is free, fast, and so intuitive to use there's simply no excuse for not keeping patches up to date.


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