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By: Sam mike

Why and when registry slows down the computer?

Registry structure of the operating system saves all the registry files related to the software which are frequently installed and removed from computer. It keeps track of all the DLL (Dynamic Link Library) files of all the installed components. Registry needs to be monitored and troubleshoot on regular basis, for healthy processing of computer.

According to the research made by computer repair agencies that almost 90% computing power of computers is affected by corrupted registry files. Most of the computer systems report errors due to missing important registry files.

The registry is affected only when you have installed programs on the computer and uninstall them after some time. Most of the time uninstall utility dose not work properly, and leaves some unnecessary files in the computer. The size of the registry grows and makes use of large space of memory. Frequent addition and deletion of software from computer gives rise to the registry fragmentation, corruption and registry failure.

Most common problems of the computers, when registry fails are listed below

 Corrupted applications show error while opening an application
 Useless and failed objects related to browser like temporary internet files which occupy a lot of space of primary drive
 Missing files related to applications installed on the computer
 Damaged components of active X and COM objects by adding and removing new system files to them.
 Reliability of registry files becomes suspected

Being a layman, a computer user is not much familiar to cope with such kind of computer problems. Some of the symptoms are mentioned below, which indicate the failure of registry files.

 Slow speed of processor
 Very low performance
 Instability in the application’s processing
 Frequent errors while work is in progress
 A very slow startup of windows
 In most severe case, windows denies from getting started.

These problems are only encountered when programs are constantly installed and removed from the computer. Some of the files are left behind in computer registry even the un-installation process is finished. Such files create problems for the operating system to work properly. The best solution for this issue is to scan the whole computer and use of efficient registry cleaner software.

Webmaster: Optimum Data Recovery, Inc offers data recovery service for hard disk drives, RAID systems and other storage devices.

Article Source: http://www.eArticlesOnline.com

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